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10.04.2015 17:56 Uhr von StifleRRR
in case a team can not attend todays cup please open a support ticket. we can remove the team from the waiting list then.
05.04.2015 14:32 Uhr von StifleRRR
in the beginning (about one year ago) the cups started @ 20.00, but soon many people asked for starting @ 21.00. so we did let the community vote on 20.00 or 21.00.
21.00 was the winner. From that day on activity was rising, so we are not going to change it back.
05.04.2015 14:29 Uhr von keNNzooo!!
ofc there are reasons for it ;) cup starts at 21:00 CET!
05.04.2015 12:43 Uhr von fistab0b
is there any good reason why the cup starts so late?

20.00 or 20.30 would be much better ^^