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Teamspeak 3
30.01.2017 17:00 puLsEtop

We are looking once more for active and responsible administrators.

You always wanted to take over responsibilities and build something on your own? Here is your chance! Apply for your game.

Create a concept and send it to us as a support ticket.

- at least 18 years old
- English and German skills
- Game experienced
- HTML skills preferred, but not mandatory
- high activity in forums
- high availability for the community
- open minded in discussions
- high understanding of teamwork
- mature behavior
- rational and objective in decision making
- working independently

- Create/ Edit Rules
- administrating Leagues and Cups
- handling support-tickets
- actively participating in admin-meetings

- administrative freedom within the area of responsibility in accordance with the current regulations
- a team of competent and helpful admin-colleagues
- possibility to bring your own ideas
- voting rights in admin-meetings
- help to shape the future of the AWFL!

You know that the internet is a key medium for communication nowadays? You like to write and you are always up to date in eSports? You have no problems in writing and communicating in German and English language? You love to create videos for YouTube or you are streaming?

Marketing Managers:
The marketing manager takes over the marketing of the Project AWFL. You are responsible to acquire new sponsors and partners. You will represent the AWFL! We expect you to be active in social networks.

Please send us a detailed application via support ticket!

We would like you to focus on explaining following questions in your application:

Why do you want to be an Admin?

Why we should just take you?

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