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26.03.2016 10:30 keNNzooo!!top

We are happy to announce a new partnership with iN.memoRy Gaming!


We are convinced that both parties - the AWFL as well as iN.memoRy Gaming - will profit from this partnership as the communites have a big deal in common: passion for gaming.

Hence, all of you are invited to visit, like, join and share the social media channels of
iN.memoRy Gaming:

iN.memoRy Gaming Website
iN.memoRy Gaming @ Facebook
iN.memoRy Gaming @ Steam

In addition, we also recommend to join their public gaming servers!

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31.03.2016 12:43 Uhr von keNNzooo!!
We are still in planning process, there will be an additional news on that. Just wanted to respond to your comments. :)
31.03.2016 10:45 Uhr von ARNOLD
You guys might wanna share that information in the news, not in the comments.
30.03.2016 14:17 Uhr von keNNzooo!!
What do you mean? If you're pointing onto the benefits for the community: iN.memoRy sponsors Gameservers, which you can use in case you don't have your own for a AWFL match. In addition, we are planning cups with prizes for the winner, also sponsored by iN.memoRy Gaming.
30.03.2016 12:04 Uhr von fistab0b
so what will come out this GREAT news for us, the nerds ? :D